
JSC Ingenium congratulates fullmóvil for its recent launch

On 15th September fullmóvil, part of Virtualis Group, launched commercial operations in the Costa Rican market as the first Full MVNO in the country and the Latam area.

JSC Ingenium has been responsible for the deployment of the entire core network (through Ingenium CORE R3) as well as the business support system -BSS- as a unique and integrated solution that allows fullmóvil to operate as a Full Virtual Mobile Network Operator.

Among the main features of the technology deployed by JSC Ingenium we should point out the flexibility granted to fullmóvil, with the highest degree of freedom to develop their own price plans, promotional campaigns, etc. and total independence from the Host Operator –ICE- resulting in a better quality of service for the end user.

fullmóvil 100% Costa Rican company, part of Virtualis, Grupo Monge. It is consolidated as mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) through its contract with the Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) to make use of their 2G & 3G radio network. fullmóvil brand aims the youth segment (15 to 35 years old) in this first stage, only under the prepaid model.

More information: www.fullmovil.cr

Ingenium CORE R3 is built on the basis of Ingenium Application Server that supports the functionality of all core network elements deployed: HLR, IN, Online Rating Engine, Convergent Billing System, SMSC and USSD GW. The most outstanding features are: high efficiency level, ability to integrate multiple services on a single platform, and unbeatable flexibility.

More information: www.jscingenium.com


NEO-SKY launches its new Intelligent Network

NEO-SKY has chosen JSC Ingenium for the deployment of three key services for its Intelligent Network:

  • Portability (fixed line and mobile): Where JSC Ingenium has deployed the FNR application which serves the Intelligent Network.
  • Call Screening for the management of client profiles with different characteristics.
  • Free phone, for the translation of free numbers of Intelligent Network.

They all have something in common, having been deployed under an SIP structure, within the new architecture implanted by NEO-SKY.

With these new elements, NEO-SKY finishes the deployment of its Intelligent Network which in turn implies an improvement in the quality of service for its clients.

About NEO-SKY:
NEO-SKY is the Telecommunications Operator specialized in providing Internet, Data and Telephony services to medium and large sized companies, as well as Local Access and Transport to other operators services, under its own network.
possesses its own network structure of Optical Fiber and fixed LMDS fixed wireless. Additionally, NEO-SKY provides bandwidth via VSAT satellite, through different agreements subscribed with the main satellite operators.

More information: www.neo-sky.com

JSC Ingenium
JSC is the Grupo Ingenium division specializes in the development and implementation of elements for Mobile Networks. JSC Ingenium provides all the elements of "core" required for Mobile Virtual Network Operators, as well as all elements of management and "billing", thus providing complete solutions. These elements have been developed by JSC Ingenium on its Application Server as a common platform.

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