
JSC Ingenium ends a year by participating in the two major MVNO Industry events.

JSC Ingenium will attend during the month of November, the two major MVNO industry events worldwide by this end of year 2012. With these two events, JSC ends a really intensive year in which JSC Ingenium has increased its international presence by presenting its Core Network 3G and 4G offer.

MVNO USA 2012, which will take place at the Fairmont Dallas Hotel, 14th-15th November in Dallas, Texas. United States.

MVNO Networking Congress 2012 will take place from 19th to 21st November in Paris. Concorde La Fayette Hotel, Paris. France

Antonio Mendoza -Latam Regional Manager- and Luis Miguel Cabrero -Vice President Sales Worldwide-, will be responsible for introducing, respectively, Rating Engine, the JSC Ingenium Policy and Charging solution 3G/4G for Mobile Operator. A key tool to compete in a rapidly growing sector where it is essential to have a living offering to our end customers, which can be easy and quickly adapted to the tastes and needs of these, and also allow us to respond, and even anticipate, to the actions of our direct competition.


JSC Ingenium welcomes alów

JSC Ingenium celebrates the alów commercial launch, the first mobile phone brand that has begun to operate from the beginning of last September, over the Mobile Services Platform -MVNE- of JSC Ingenium.

alów is the first brand to operate nationwide in prepaid mode. It offers voice, sms and data on a single SIM with two different rates: Mundo and Europa. The Mundo rate covers the most popular international destinations for immigrants in our country, and the rate Europa, meanwhile, covers the 25 countries of the European Union to a single price of 14 cents of Euro.
More information:    http://www.alow.es


JSC Ingenium shortlisted for the LTE Awards

JSC Ingenium has just been shortlisted for its “MAP IWF Advanced CSFB” in the LTE Awards “Best Contribution to R&D for LTE” category organized by INFORMA.

MAP IWF Advanced CSFB provides CSFB (Circuit Switched Fall Back) voice services from 4G LTE to 3G without some of the main drawbacks of the technology.

CSFB is the currently preferred solution to provide voice calls over LTE without the need to invest in VoLTE Core while taking advantage of currently deployed 2G/3G infrastructure.

Standard CSFB deployment requires 3G MSCs/VLRs to be upgraded and GMSCs to support SGs interfaces, enforce a combined LTE/3G radio planning and combined operation via TA-LA list updates, and may provoke a bad user experience in terms of call set up delay. LTE/3G joint radio planning is typically undesirable and even impossible.

Advanced CSFB provides a gateway based on JSC Ingenium MAP IWF technology to avoid the need to make any upgrade on the 3G network and isolates 3G and LTE networks to avoid the need of combined radio planning. Additionally, it provides enablement services to communicate 3G and LTE infrastructure.

The awards will be announced on the evening on the 23rd May, during the LTE World Summit 2012 that will take place on the 22-24th May in Barcelona (Spain).

The Telecoms.com LTE Awards are independently judged by the Informa operator-led panel of experts:
o Jean-Pierre Bienaimè,-SVP Strategy & Communications Wholesale- ORANGE
o Ed Candy,-CTO- 3.
o Michele Palermo, -VP Standards and Fora- TELECOM Italia.
o Rajat Chopra, -Associate Director / Interactive Marketing- BELL.
o Mila Milenkovic, -Head of B2B Partnerships and Business Models- TELECOM Srbija
o Karim Lesina,-Executive Director / International External Affairs- AT&T.
o Bernd Reul, -VP Service Platforms- TDC
o Mike Hibberd,-Editorial Director- Telecoms.com
o Marwan Zawaydeh,-CTIO- Etisalat.
o Ayman El Nashar,-Senior Director – Wireless Broadband

LTE World Summit 2012. 22th - 24th May 2012
CCIB - Centre Convencions Internacional Barcelona
Plaça de Willy Brandt, 11-14
Barcelona, Spain

More information: http://www.lteawards.com/


JSC Ingenium Spring Tour

During the following months of April and May, JSC Ingenium will begin its Spring Tour, which will take the company, both as exhibitor and speaker, to the main global Telco industry events; focused on MVNOs and LTE technologies; Sao Paulo, Barcelona, Dubai, Rio de Janeiro , ..

The bet of JSC Ingenium is to reinforce its brand as a reference among the leading providers of Core Network at international level. The first event will be the LTE Latin America 2012 that will take place on April 17- 18th in Sao Paulo, which will bring together the best strategies and solutions in order to deploy new technologies LTE & IMS in the LATAM market.

Other events JSC Ingenium will attend:

MVNO Industry Summit 2012. 24th - 26th April 2012 .
Hotel Fira Palace
Avenida Rius i Taulet 1-3
Barcelona, Spain

LTE MENA 2012. 29th - 30th April 2012
Westin Mina Seyahi
Dubai, UAE

LTE World Summit 2012. 22th - 24th May 2012
CCIB - Centre Convencions Internacional Barcelona
Plaça de Willy Brandt, 11-14
Barcelona, Spain

MVNO Latam 2012. 29th - 30th May 2012
AMCHAM Business Center.
Rua da Paz, 1431
Chácara Santo Antonio
São Paulo, SP - Brasil


Orange Spain chooses JSC Ingenium technology for its new MVNA

Orange Spain and JSC Ingenium announce the launch of a new MVNA platform through IOS-Ingenium Outsourcing Services, part of Grupo Ingenium, with which will be able to serve new MVNOs projects who wish to operate on Orange’s Network in Spain.

JSC Ingenium is currently the first MVNO technology provider in Spain, and has sales offices in Mexico, Malaysia and UK. Its Core Network solutions have been deployed globally in countries such as Germany, Italy, UK, South Africa, Costa Rica, Chile and Romania.

IOS -Ingenium Outsourcing Services- will be in charge of running the JSC Ingenium MVNA technology, handling the commercial activities, seeking new potential candidates, analyzing and evaluating their strategies, as well as the O & M activities from the MVNA Platform, ensuring the service level of each Virtual in a completely independent way from others operators which share the same technology.

In words of the responsible of MVNO business at Orange Spain: "The choice of JSC Ingenium is mainly due to the interest of our company in Spain to have a technological partner which offered us trust handed down by their proven expertise in Telco sector, specially in the area of virtual -both national and internationally-, as well as providing us with the flexibility and the capacity to face new challenges: technological, innovational, financial, etc.. to be resolved in a near future in the mobile telephony market".

According to Sergio Cano, CEO of JSC Ingenium: "It's a very attractive challenge. For the first time, the industry figures of Mobile Virtual Network Operators in Spain are talking about significant growth in new clients against the traditional Network Operators. In my opinion the timing is right, contrary to some conservative voices who predicted that the sector had peaked, I believe it still has a long way to go before it reaches the levels of presence in countries like Germany and UK".


JSC Ingenium will be present in the Spanish Pavillion at the Mobile World Congress 2012

JSC Ingenium will attend the Mobile World Congress 2012 which will be held from Monday 27th of February until Thursday 1st of March, in Barcelona (Spain).

Among the most prominent innovations, JSC Ingenium will showcase its CORE R4-LTE, its new network infrastructure technology for 4G/LTE Operators, as well as its current range of NGN Enablers for smooth coexistence and progressive migration from 3G to 4G networks.

For more information: http://www.mobileworldcongress.com/