JSC Ingenium is packing the luggage again for three new events in a month, before
starting the 2015 second half: Bogota - Madrid – Mexico
Colombia will host the new edition of the Andean Telco Forum this year.
JSC Ingenium will participate as exhibitor and speaker. Sergio Cano, JSC CEO,
will talk about “The Importance of the CORE in value competition”. Colombia turns out to be the country in Latam
with greatest growth potential, and the country with better end user response
to the new MVNO proposals.
May 27th-28th. Bogota – Colombia
AR Convention Center

More information: http://www.informagroup.com.br/andean/es
INGENIUM Mobile 2015: “The future
of MVNO, convergence and 4G”
JSC Ingenium will be in charge of the 1st event in Spain for
Mobile Operators exclusively. 52 companies, Network and Virtual Operators, will
convene to take the pulse to the sector, share success stories and analyze the
Mobile Operator convergence and 4G challenges.
11th. Madrid – Spain
NH Ventas Hotel.
NH Ventas Hotel.
More information: www.ingenium.mobile2015.com
MVNO Industry Summit LATAM 2015
Another year JSC Ingenium attends the Latam MVNO event. JSC will be
exhibitor and speaker and will show all the new offerings for MVNO. In this
occasion, JSC will take advantage of the summit to officially launch the new
MVNA/E platform deployments in the Latam region and share the new opportunities
that are open to the companies considering offering MVNO services.
16th-17th. Mexico City
Marquis Reforma Hotel & Spa
Marquis Reforma Hotel & Spa
More information: http://latam.mvnoindustrysummit.com/